The Most Hated People Ever

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

10. Gilles de Rais 

"Ostensibly he would sit on the belly of his victim and, in this fashion, masturbating, come on the dying body"
-George Bataille

This sodomite pedophile serial killer of children was actually a heroic dude at first. Fighting wars, being knighted, high class, whatever. And next thing you know, he's a godamn sick bastard who's killed 200 little kids.

"In order to practise his debauches with said children, boys and girls, against the use of nature, [he] first with licentious passion took his rod in his left or right hand, rubbed it so it became erect and sticking out, then placed it between the thighs or legs of the said boys and girls, not bothering with the natural female receptacle, and rub his said rod or virile member on the belly of the said boys and girls with much gratification, heat and libidinous excitement, until he emitted his sperm on their stomach..."

9. Josef Mengele

"Away with this shit!"

To people who were about to be sent to gas chambers

They called him the angel of death, the sick doctor who performed gruesome experiments on concentration camp victims and left them traumatized and deformed.

"I have never accepted that Mengele believed he was doing serious medical work ... He was exercising power. Major surgery was performed without anaesthetic. Once I witnessed a stomach operation — Mengele was removing pieces from the stomach, but without any anaesthesia. It was horrifying."

-Alex Dekel, a camp survivor

8. Nero Caesar 

"What an artist dies in me"
(his last words)

The man who fiddled while Rome burned, who killed his own mother and pregnant wife, who dressed up like a woman and performed in plays, who massacred Christians, the one they call the Antichrist, the fat nasty bastard Nero!

"In their very deaths they were made the subjects of sport: for they were covered with the hides of wild beasts, and worried to death by dogs, or nailed to crosses, or set fire to, and when the day waned, burned to serve for the evening lights."

7. Gaius Caligula

"Oderint dum metuant"

(Let them hate me so long as they fear me)

Caligula is the biggest pervert of all time. Cal was a salacious, dirty, slag of an emperor. Here's a shortened list of all his douchebaggery:

- he screwed his own sister (and possibly, murdered her)
- he killed his nephew
- he threw people to the lions for entertainment
- he screwed his dinner guest's wives, and raped them even if they didn't want to
- he killed a guy, and called his father over to have dinner with him the next day
- when people were being disemboweled, he told the guards to make their death as slow and painful as it possibly could be
- he turned the royal palace into a whorehouse
- made his horse a senator
- made people worship him like he was a god

- purposely starved the people of Rome

Sounds like he had a fun life though. But he was murdered at the age of 28 by his own bodyguards. His wife and baby daughter's heads were smashed open on the palace steps.

6. Vlad the Impaler

"I have killed peasants men and women, old and young, who lived where the Danube flows into the sea, up to such places as Samovit and Ghighen. We killed 23,884 Bulgars without counting those whom we burned in homes or the Turks whose heads were cut by our soldiers."

Vlad was feared across Romania as an evil tyrant with no mercy. His family was gruesomely murdered, and he was void of emotion and sympathy at an early age. Vlad's father was murdered and dumped in a marsh, and his brother was blinded with red hot pokers and buried alive.

Vlad hated Turks because they forced the Muslim religion onto Romania, which obviously went against their Christian traditions. He vowed to murder every Turk he could get his hands on, and killed them in tens of thousands with his army. After he became prince of Wallachia, Vlad carried out even more cruel and torturous punishments.

"His brutal punishment methods were well known. It is said he often ordered people to be skinned, boiled, decapitated, blinded and roasted. He also liked to cut off people's noses, ears, limbs and sexual organs. But his favorite punishment of all was impalement, hence his sobriquet, the Impaler. This gruesome, typically slow and excruciatingly painful way to die often involved driving a stake from the victim's buttocks to his or her mouth. The stakes are said to have been oiled and smoothed so that death would come slowly. He is said to have killed as many as 100,000 in this fashion, often thousands in a single day." 

5. Heinrich Himmler

"The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear."

Commander of the SS Schutzstaffel and head of the concentration camps, where inmates were gassed with toxic poison in chambers and systematically worked and starved to death. Himmler is the asshole directly responsible for the genocide of millions.

4. Osama Bin Laden

"We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us two."

Terrorist douchebag bigot who was America's Most Wanted Enemy #1 for this:

3. Ted Bundy

“We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow”

“I'm as cold a motherfucker as you've ever put your fucking eyes on. I don't give a shit about those people.”

The most well known serial killer of all time, Theodore Robert Bundy, is estimated to have killed anywhere from 40 to 100 women.
Damn creepy bastard. Bundy would hit women on the head with a crowbar, drag them to a secluded location, strangle them and then rape their corpses. GROSS! And the weird thing was, he was seemingly normal, for a serial killer at least. He went to college, came from a good family, had friends, a girlfriend, but he was a nut on the inside.

2. Joseph Stalin

"Death solves all problems"

From 1917 to 1953, this psychopathic leader of the Soviet Union had anywhere from 10 to 20 million people systematically killed in gulags, death squads, war and from other atrocities during the Red Terror. He was ruthless and strict and ruled Russia with an iron fist. People who were suspected of being "traitors" were dragged off in the middle of the night and never seen again. 

1. Adolf Hitler

"What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."

Hitler is without a doubt the most infamous person who ever lived. Not the most evil in my opinion, but he's known for his rampant anti Semitism that caused the death of millions of innocent Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and people with mental and physical illness.

As a young boy, little Adolf Hitler was abused by his father Alois repetitively. Alois was an alcoholic prone to crazy rage. Hitler wanted to be an artist and disobeyed and argued with his superiors, which enraged his father to the point where he was violently beaten. He was also the oldest male child in his family which made him a prime target for his psychotic father.

Hitler later joined the German army and fought in WWI. One of his testicles were shot off, inspiring the famous tune "Hitler has only got one ball."

Source: Listal


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