20. The Sugar Glider

19. The Australian Wallaby

18. The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

17. The Red-Crested Tree Rat

16. The Ploughshare Tortoise

15. The Roloway Monkey

14. The Hainan Gibbon

13. The Red Panda

12. The Numbat

11. The Jerboa

10. The Golden Brushtail Possum

9. The Dik Dik

8. The Dhole Puppy

7. The Baby Pika

6. The Baby Owston's Civet

5. The Baby Gundi

4. The Chevrotain

3. The Baby Bongo

2. The Bear Cat

1. Baby Agouti

Source: Likes
19. The Australian Wallaby
18. The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat
17. The Red-Crested Tree Rat
16. The Ploughshare Tortoise
15. The Roloway Monkey
14. The Hainan Gibbon
13. The Red Panda
12. The Numbat
11. The Jerboa
10. The Golden Brushtail Possum
9. The Dik Dik
8. The Dhole Puppy
7. The Baby Pika
6. The Baby Owston's Civet
5. The Baby Gundi
4. The Chevrotain
3. The Baby Bongo
2. The Bear Cat
1. Baby Agouti
Source: Likes
There are really a lot of animals in the world that many people may not heard of before. And I hope they will be aware of these animals existence through articles like this, because they are interesting in their own right. There are even some animals that can be excellent pets, even the exotic ones like the gliders. But of course, they require special care, as compared to the common pets we are accustomed to.
Sherri Briggs @ Pet Glider
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