Why We Shouldn't Judge People on First Impression

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why We Shouldn’t Judge People On First Impressions

First impressions happen; it is an inconvenient reality. When we meet someone for the first time, we judge him or her involuntarily, maybe driven by our survival instinct or simple social practice. Fifty-percent of that judgment is a perception of the person’s movements, gestures, voice, etc. The rest is simple: their appearance.

Pop culture is evidence of this social pattern. Let’s take, for example, the acclaimed 90s cult movie, “10 Things I Hate About You.” Its evident connection to the Shakespearean play, The Taming of The Shrew, refers to strong characters and the way they follow stereotypes and, even more, break them. Patrick Verona, a mysterious teenager, is charmingly played by the legendary, Heath Ledger. His dark exterior left the whole school wondering about his apparent dangerous personality.

His subtle sarcastic comebacks, long black hair and overly washed jeans complemented his careless and slightly criminal personality, making him troublesome at a single glance. After a bet, a rose, a sincere apology and a charismatic performance, we meet the real Patrick with his same washed jeans, dark shirts and combat boots.

Now the difficult teenager becomes more attractive, his Australian accent more evident and each eloquent response makes him even more interesting. In the end – spoiler alert – the unconventional leading man gets the feminist, Sylvia Plath enthusiast, Kat. He lets his armor down, and we see the rebirth of a sentimental, masculine, green-eyed gentleman.

The development of this character takes me back to real life. What happens when, at first, we find someone difficult or off-putting and, with time, we discover they are actually quite warm. Does perception change with style? Maybe, when we get to understand someone’s personality along with their fashion choices, our judgment fades away and we let them wear whatever they want. We allow them to be who they are, freely. In some way we like the person no matter what they are wearing.

Surpassing fashion or social rules, in the end, personality is what remains because fashion is as personal as Whatsapp messages or the meaning of our emotional tattoos. A smile surpasses a bad haircut, a black and brown outfit, and of course a denim low-rise mini skirt…well, that might take a little bit more time.

In the end, Kat Stratford closed her poem to Patrick, “I hate you. I hate your combat boots. But mostly, I hate the way I don’t hate you, not a even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”

We sure hope that when people judge us, they love our fashion choices for who we are. The little weird details of our personalities are what set us apart. There’s no perfection, just willingness to appreciate the uniqueness in everyone.

Source: Elite Daily

The Difference Between Dating and One Night Stand

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In this twenty first century, it’s a fad to have one night stand. They discuss about one night stand everywhere from friends to strangers in chat rooms.A lot of people have different perspective on this one night stand. Some thinks this is dating, some thinks it is the way to a fine relationship and lot other things it is just a hookup. Most of them do not know what one night stand is and how it is different from casual dating.

If you are one of the bigger crowd, read on to understand the difference between dating and one night stand.

First let me tell you one thing, the terms dating and one night stand are different terms with different meanings. There is a huge amount of differences between Dating and one night stand. When you meet your beloved more and more, you tend to understand him/her more and more likely it becomes dating that will lead you to some relationship which lasts longer.So this makes dating your beloved a base for any future relations and to understand him/her. Remember dating does not lead to sex; however dating leads to something pure understanding of your beloved which is more important in your relationship.

On the other hand, one night stand is just a onetime thing no more than that. A one night stand can be initiated in a pub or a bar but a Dating cannot. If everything is smooth between you two, then you might spend your night together but in morning you become strangers.

Mostly one night stands happen between those who are on high on that particular instant or to spice up a little bit. On any one night stand, there will not be any seriousness between both men and women. Most times you will know very little about each other or nothing at all.

A one night stand:
1. Happens between strangers who just like to spice a bit
2. Happens when there is an instant mood to get hooked
3. Mostly it happens when you are depressed

4. Might know very little or nothing at all about each other

Casual dating happens between two people who would know each other well. It is not a one night stand but there would be some intimacy or some occasional pleasure.Singles use dating to know each other better.

A casual dating:
1. Happens between people who know each other
2. Not for hookup but for those who look for some intimacy in their relationship
3. Helps to know each other better.
4. Happens when there is a match between daters. Both people put their effort to hold on to their relationships.

5. Is not restricted to one nights, but many nights

Remember a bad dating can end a great relationship before it even starts but not a one night stand. So daters would put their best effort to save their relationships.

Source: bPenfriends

The Science Behind Obsession

Monday, October 28, 2013

#5. From the Plains to Perez

Why do we imitate, idolize, and gossip about the rich and famous? Why do we devour every bit of news about our favorite (or least favorite) celebrities? We don't even know them! What's with this? The answer can be found in something called SCIENCE! Everybody gasp!

So put on your anthropology hat. Well, first go find an anthropology hat. Or, maybe just make an anthropology hat (use those iron on letters from the craft store) and join us on an adventure you'll hopefully remember.
First stop: (We're pretending to be on a tour bus. Don't judge.) — the plains of Africa 3.4 billion years ago. (ooh! ahh!)

#4 Foxes Mate for Life

Obsession. Infatuation. Keeping a magazine cut out of Natalie Portman in a frame in your room like you were the first one to think that was funny. These are the telltale signs of our love of celebrities. Did you think they were making Teen Bop magazine (with the fold out posters that need like a thousand thumb tacks to lay flat) for the music? No way! Those magazines, blogs, TMZ reruns are an innocent way to obsess about those oh so desirable celebrities and their oh so desirable dates.

They are oh so desirable, and fabulous, and fascinating because:
1) they're good looking and talented just like those that kept us safe long ago.
2) Biology makes us feel infatuated with people that would make great baby daddies. When we're infatuated with someone, we're completely obsessed with what they're doing.

#3. The Pretty Sister

Another reason why we're so into celebs is that they're just like us, only better. Did Kim Kardashian just flash before your eyes again? Yeah, us too. There is no way she's better than us. She doesn't even do anything. Choosing fabric for a designer to use is not a job This is the last type of celebrity, and this is why we care:

Yeah, we don't know how to sing or do gymnastics but look at that guy. He's an idiot! He's all guarding the tribe like he's the only guy that's ever guarded a tribe—we could probably guard the tribe way better than him! One time we saw him at the river drinking the same water he had just peed in. And his hair looked like crap! He's no better than us! Why does he deserve all of the attention? Silly, they don't deserve it. They just get it. Because we're all bored and we're all jerks.

#2. Boredom is Such Sweet Sorrow

It used to be fun to copy their style via Old Navy and H&M rip offs. But now we're sick of them being all perfect and it's time. to. take. them. down.

Hey, remember when they did that really stupid thing? Well, we got a picture of it and now we're telling everybody! So the smack down begins. But sometimes that gets old. And there's always those people on TV that try to make us feel bad for making fun of how fat Jessica Simpson got when she was pregnant. Oh, the fatties. They gain weight. They lose weight. We have to talk trash about someone though. It may as well be that fat guy who thinks he knows how to guard against lions better than we do. Idiot.

#1. The Stars That Never Were

The last category of famous people are those we make famous for no reason other than to be human piñatas. Instead of candy, juicy and humiliating stories burst out of them if we hit them hard enough. You have to hit really hard. No peeking!

Eventually, we got tired of drooling over the old candy from the piñata and our favorite celebrity. We got tired of cyber stalking their bf/gf. We got tired of their perfect bodies/lives/dramatic acting. We got tired of watching photographers harass them when they didn't deserve it. We got tired of having no one to make fun that did deserve it. We got tired of everyone talking about them constantly. Then we got tired of doing our work and wanted to see what those beautiful bastards were up to.

And we couldn't get enough.

The end.

Source: Likes

10 Insane Animal Hybrids

Sunday, October 6, 2013

#1 Zebroids

The Zebroid is the name given to zebra hybrids. Such hybrids occur primarily with the zebra being the sire, and generally takes on the appearance of the animal which the zebra mates with, but retains some stripes of the zebra. Often, the offspring are born with dwarfism, and are likely infertile. The zebroid group includes such hybrids as the zorse (zebra and horse), zonkey (zebra with donkey), and zetland (zebra with a shetland pony).

#2 Cama

The cama is a hybrid between a male dromedary camel and a female llama. The first cama was born in 1998 in a camel reproduction center in Dubai, and was produced using artificial insemination. The purpose of creating the cama was to attempt to increase wool production in the llama and retain its more gentle temperament, while having the advantage of the size and strength of the camel. Unlike many other hybrids, offspring are fertile since both the dromedary camel and llama have the same number of chromosomes. Only about six cama births have been successful thus far.

#3 Coywolf

The coywolf is a hybrid between a coyote and a wolf. Since this combination happens often in nature, the hybrid has become common, primarily in eastern North America. The coywolf feeds in packs as the wolf does, but is less afraid of human territories like the coyote. From genetic testing, it appears that the red wolf is such a hybrid.

#4 Wholphin

The wholphin is the hybrid between a female bottlenose dolphin and a male false killer whale, which is actually a very large breed of dolphin. These hybrids are extremely rare, and although they are known to happen in nature, the only two currently in captivity are at Sea Life Park in Hawaii. One is the mother, and the other is her calf, shown above at 9 months.

#5 Liger

The liger is the hybrid cross of a male lion and female tiger. Since the lion and tiger do not have the same habitat in the wild, ligers are only found in captivity. Interestingly, the ligers often grow even larger than either the lion or tiger species. Like the tiger, they enjoy swimming, and tend to be more social like the lion. Ligers tend to retain the stripes of the tiger, although the stripes may be fainter.

#6 Blood Parrot Cichlid

The blood parrot cichlid is a hybrid created in Taiwan in the mid 1980s and is a cross between a Midas cichlid and a red head cichlid. There has been some controversy over the ethics of continuing to create this hybrid, as they often have several anatomical deformities. Its mouth is a small vertical slit, making feeding difficult. They can grow in size to over 20 cm (8 inches) and can live more than ten years.

#7 Dzo

The dzo is the hybrid cross of a yak and a domestic cow. The dzo typically refers to the male, and the female is called dzomo. Originally bred in Tibet and Mongolia, the dzo is typically larger than either the yak or the cow, and produces more milk and meat. Females are born fertile, and are able to breed with either a yak or cow. The male dzo is born infertile.

#8 Grizzly-Polar Bear

The grizzly-polar bear hybrid is also known as a pizzly, prizzly, or grolar bear. It is a very rare hybrid, but has been documented in both nature and in captivity. There have been reports of sightings of this hybrid as far back as 1964. Although these two bears generally stay away from each other, some scientists have theorized that the polar bear has moved further south with the melting of the ice caps in its native habitat.

#9 Savannah Cat

The Savannah, a domestic cat breed, is a hybrid cross between a serval (a wild African cat) and a domestic cat. First recognized as a breed in 2001, it is the largest breed of domesticated cats. The temperament of the Savannah is generally more social and friendly than that of a typical cat. In fact, they have been compared to dogs in their loyalty to their owner. Their spotted or marbled coat is a distinction they have, no matter what color cat they are bred with.

#10 Killer Bees

Killer Bees, which are actually Africanized honey bees, are a hybrid of the Western honey bee. This hybrid happened by accident in the late 1950’s, when twenty-six African bees escaped a lab in Brazil. Since then, they reproduced rapidly and their territorial spread has been about 100-200 miles per year. They are now in South America, Central America, and Southern portions of North America. Killer bees are highly aggressive, and can move great distances in huge swarms. They are vicious with any threat, and will sting to the death.

Source: facts.fm

The 15 Most Common Accidental Deaths

Friday, October 4, 2013

#15. Falling Objects

Be careful where you stand because falling objects can come out of nowhere. Not only are you at risk of being struck by a falling object but you also have to worry about inanimate objects being thrown at you. The death toll is somewhere between 30 to 50 people per year that die from being struck by an object that was either thrown at them or fell on them.

Maybe your irrational fear of getting crushed by a piano isn't so irrational after all. This type of death is pretty hard to avoid because falling objects are sort of a surprise. We would tell you to wear some sort of protective gear but even hockey pads with a motorcycle helmet wouldn't do you any good if a piano does suddenly fall from the sky.

#14. Drowning

Having a contest to see how long you can hold your breath might be a lot of fun but don't hold it too long as it could be very dangerous. You would be surprised at how many adults don't know how to swim.Drowning causes almost 4,500 accidental deaths a year.

Death by drowning could happen anywhere whether it be a bathtub, a pool or the beach. Don't be afraid to wear a life jacket and make sure your kids wear some sort of floatation device when they swim. This stuff may not look cool but it could save your life.

#13. Alcohol Poisoning

When you hang out and party with friends there's always alcohol around. Most people know their limit but some people take it too far to the point where they get alcohol poisoning. About 50,000 people visit the hospital every year due to alcohol poisoning and about 50 of them have died because of it. Many people who were lucky enough to live through it have permanent brain damage.

#12. Roller Coaster

Roller coasters are one of the things everyone looks forward to when they visit an amusement park. They can be a bit scary anyway so the last thing you want to hear is that your ride could be fatal. Although you aren't likely to die on a roller coaster it does happen. Roller coasters typically claim up to 4 lives every year.

The odds that one of those lives is going to be yours are pretty small but you may only want to ride your favorite roller coaster at the amusement park once instead of several times. If you're really scared you could always go the extra mile and wear a helmet. It's ok we won't make fun of you.

#11. Diving

You know those signs that are posted around pools that discourage you from diving? It might be time for you to stop ignoring them. About 6,700 people a year are hospitalized due to diving accidents and some of them even lost their lives.

Diving head first in a pool where the water is too shallow can cause you to break your neck and die instantly. Above ground pools are the worst pools to attempt to dive head first so don't worry about trying to impress anyone. Just remember diving in to an empty pool will definitely kill you so at the very least make sure the thing has water in it.

#10. Electrocution

It is estimated that about 400 people die every year due to electrocution. These deaths aren't reserved for electricians either. There are plenty of items around your house that could cause you get electrocuted.

First of all if you aren't a professional electrician don't try to wire something because you are only putting yourself at risk. Make sure to always be extra careful when plugging or unplugging electrical appliances or replacing a light bulb. Don't let your pride get in the way when it comes to electricity. If you don't know how to handle something electrical then find someone who does.

#9. Machinery

Machinery is a lot more dangerous than you think. We're not just talking about saws, drills and other tools. We're talking about toy machines, vending machines and exercise machines too. Machinery of all different kinds claims up to 350 lives a year.

Next time you think about stuffing your arm in that vending machine to get a soda you better think again. If your arm gets stuck and the vending machine falls it's going to be lights out and you wont even get to drink that soda. Totally not worth it.

#8. Medical Malpractice

This one is not very obvious but perhaps the scariest of all. Up to 500 people die every year from something going wrong during surgery or other forms of medical mishaps. Told you it was scary didn't we?

No matter how good your doctor is you are always at risk any time you go under the knife. The best thing that you can do is pick someone you trust and do your research. This one is truly out of your hands because you are putting your life in to the hands of someone else.

#7. Poison Gas

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to lose your life due to inhaling poisonous gasses. These gases include things like fuel, natural gas and propane. Death by poisonous gas claims up to 700 lives each year.

Be sure to turn off any appliances in your house that use gas when you aren't using them. Don't forget to keep aerosol sprays and gas tanks out of reach of small children. If you own a garage make sure to never leave the car running when it is stored in a closed garage.

#6. Firearms

Gun laws have been a very hot topic over the past few years. Guns cause deaths every day and it's just as tragic when those deaths are accidental. Accidental gun deaths claim 1,500 lives per year.

If you are a gun owner an accident can be avoided if you take the necessary precautions. Keep your guns in a safe and make sure that only you have access to the key. Also don't be afraid to put gunlocks on your guns so that if someone does get in to the safe somehow they still won't be able to fire them.

#5. Suffocation

Suffocation certainly isn't something you think about everyday but it is possible it could happen to you. There are many different causes of suffocation such as asphyxiation, smothering, and even how you sleep plays a factor. Believe it or not accidental suffocation claims up to 3,300 deaths per year.

Make sure that you or your child's face is never covered when you sleep and that they are never at risk of being smothered. Always cut your food into small portions so that you don't choke and keep objects like rope or even something simple like a tie that could cause strangulation out of reach. Don't forget to keep a good airflow in your home as airtight spaces also cause suffocation.

#4. Fires

Fire is a very destructive force. One second you could be sleeping and then the next you wake up to your house burning down around you. Losing your house is one thing but losing your life is much worse and fires claim up to 3,700 lives a year.

Some fires are complete freak accidents but other fires can be prevented if you are careful. If you are a smoker be responsible about where you smoke and if you have lighters around the house keep them away from kids. If your house burns down you can get your possessions back but when your life is gone it's gone forever.

#3. Poisonous Solids or Liquids

You might not ever think of it but you have many poisonous materials in your household. Whether it be medication, cleaning materials or other chemicals you have a potential safety hazard somewhere. Everyone is at risk so make sure to store these things responsibly.

Children are at a much higher risk than adults. To adults a cleaning solution or medicine doesn't look attractive but a child may get confused and think something of that sort may taste good because it's colorful. Make sure to put any potential poisons out of reach of children.

#2. Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you've ever been in a car the chances are pretty high that you've been in an accident before. Motor vehicle accidents aren't fun and they can sometimes be fatal. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of accidental death claiming over 43,000 lives a year.

We know that they are sometimes uncomfortable but don't be afraid to wear your seatbelt. If you ride a motorcycle be sure to wear a helmet. No matter how careful you are there are too many reckless drivers out there for you not to play it safe.

#1. Falls

Falling is a very common cause of accidental death. It is so common that it manages to claim almost 15,000 lives per year. Do you still think hiking Mt. Everest sounds like fun for a weekend activity?

A fatal fall can occur anywhere whether it be inside your house, in the woods, or out in public. Be careful when you stand on ladders, ledges or even while riding a bike and don't be afraid to bail when your friends try to pressure you in to climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. It's ok you can blame us and tell them we told you not to do it.

Source: Likes